Beaches of Marinella di Sarzana

The Hotel “Serena” is only 10 minutes away by car from Marinella. Going past Sarzana, you’ll quickly reach the plaine of Marinella and the tree-lined avenue that runs along the beaches. The sandy coastline of Marinella is rich with long free beaches and equipped private ones that stretch from the mouth of the river Magra, the so called “Fiumaretta” beaches, to the promenade of Viareggio in Tuscany. The bathing establishements along this stretch of costline are simply beautiful, infact your eyes can capture different views from the magnificent “Caprione’s Promontory” that dominates Fiumaretta below, to the splendid “Apuan Alps” peaks, from the green plaine of Marinella to the far way profile of the Tuscan coast.